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Efficacy and Extraordinary Benefits

of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) For

Health positive.

VCO can be used in a variety of foods or used to beautify hair and skin .Here are the properties and health benefits of VCO for :

1 . Lauric acidVCO contains nearly 50 percent lauric acid , a medium chain fatty acid with numerous health benefits . Breast milk is another important source of lauric acid .


2 . AntimicrobialDue to the high content of lauric acid , the VCO has antimicrobial properties , antifungal , and antiviral .Body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which is responsible as the destroyer of the virus .VCO is also believed to slow the growth of the virus in patients with HIV / AIDS .


3 . Immune systemLauric acid is found in breast milk helps babies fight infections .Lauric acid in the VCO is also able to strengthen the immune system so the body is more protected against disease .Because the adult diet is generally low in lauric acid , VCO is the source of easy and powerful way to boost the immune system .


4 . Cholesterol goodVCO can lower bad cholesterol levels while promoting an increase in HDL or good cholesterol .A 1980 study by Dr. Hostmark showed that mice fed 10 percent fewer VCO produce more bad cholesterol and good cholesterol diet compared to rats which consists of 10 per cent sunflower oil .I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.


5 . Antibiotics superThe effects of modern medicine is the emergence of strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics .A 2005 study by Georgetown University shows that lauric acid in the VCO capable of treating bacterial infections in mice better than traditional antibiotics .


6 . Both For pregnant and lactating mothersPrompts old parents to consume coconut oil , coconut oil has a point because it contains incredible . In addition to turning off various harmful microorganisms content of MCFA ( ( lauric acid , caprylic acid , capric acid , oleic acid , myristic acid , palmitic acid ) in the VCO also provides the energy needed when the baby would be born .Some experience mentioned that VCO consumption during pregnancy give a very good effect for the baby , not only while in the womb babies are healthier , but when the baby is born in a state of clean and healthy . Additionally VCO makes milk production becomes more and more quality .


7 . Maintaining a healthy heart and blood vesselsResearch shows a connection of heart and blood vessel disease and infection virus / bacteria that will cause the formation of plaque in blood vessels .. Since the VCO is antibacterial / viral it can help prevent the formation of plaque microorganisms by killing plaque encetus p .In addition , one of the causes of heart disease is high blood cholesterol levels . Cholesterol buildup due to excessive consumption of fat in the daily menu so that the excess is stored in the body . MCFA in VCO are easily metabolized to produce energy is not deposited as body fat . S Elain that regular consumption of the VCO also prevent blood clotting ( due to platelet aggregation ) and prevent the narrowing of blood vessels ( atherosclerosis ) .


8 . OsteoporosisOsteoporosis is a degenerative disease due to lack of calcium so that bones become porous . Osteoporosis are due to free radicals can be oxidized in the process of bone formation . Free radicals can be overcome by saturated fat contained in the VCO . Fatty acids in VCO act as antioxidants that will protect the bone from bone destroyer free radik al .One antioxidant in VCO are sterol compounds . These substances such as fats and beneficial in the formation of pregnenolone . The function among others to produce progesterone for wantia . For women the availability of progesterone is very important because the amount of progesterone and estrogen imbalance would cause osteoporosis .VCO consumption good Sagat also helps the process important for bone mineral penyerapa namely calcium and magnesium .


9 . Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes )Diabetes mellitus is also known as diabetes . Symptoms of diabetes mainly occurs due to the buildup of glucose in the blood that issued with urine . In this condition decreases the production of insulin from the pancreas so disturbed metabolism . This causes the glucose can not enter the cells so that the blood glucose concentration increases . Heaps of glucose can not be utilized to produce energy and akhirny a discharged with the urine .Insulin serves to convert glucose into energy for cells . Blood glucose can not be directly used as energy must be transferred first into the cell through the process of oxidation in cells . Besides insulin to convert glucose into energy reserves ( glycogen and fat ) . If blood glucose is converted becoming abundant glycogen and stored in the liver and muscles . While fat is stored in fat tissue . The content of MCFA in VCO is able to stimulate the production of insulin which helps the process of changing glucose into energy for cells .In addition , the VCO does not require insulin to be burned to produce energy so it is most beneficial people with diabetes who have experienced a body insulin deficiency . At the time of the VCO also burned and fat burned glucose also previously been buried so that blood sugar levels are relatively normal .


10 . LiverHepatitis virus is a virus that has a sheath of fat on the outside so it is difficult to penetrate by the drug . The structure of medium chain saturated fatty acids in the VCO has a similar structure so that the VCO fatty sheath virus can penetrate and kill the hepatitis virus .In addition VCO also prevent liver cell damage caused by free radicals caused by viruses , drugs or alcohol because it has antioxidant effects .


11 . CancerSince the VCO has an antibacterial effect then there is enough white blood cells to destroy and inhibit the growth of cancer cells . Animal studies have shown that the VCO inhibit the growth of cancer cells causes ker right colon and breast .Additionally VCO has antioxidant properties that prevent the formation of free radicals trigger the onset of cancer and VCO helps boost the immune system thus helping the healing process .


12 . Helps Lose WeightMCFA in VCO can directly enter the bloodstream and is converted into energy in the body that are not backfilled . At the time of the VCO burned also burned to the long- chain saturated fatty acids ( LCFA ) so that the fat is deposited is reduced and the weight will drop .In addition VCO also energized quickly , giving rise to a sense of satiety and not feel hungry until it was time to eat the combustion process and body temperature becomes higher so that your metabolism increases and body fat burning occurs reserves .


13 . Increase StaminaWhen the immune system decreases , the body undergoes physical exhaustion is characterized by muscle weakness , headaches , intermittent infection , fever , fatigue and swollen glands incredible body VCO gives quick energy and increase energy and boost the immune system so the body able to recover himself .


14 . Maintain Healthy SkinVCO contains a natural moisturizer and helps keep skin moist and well used for keri ng skin , rough and scaly . VCO contains medium chain saturated fatty acids which are accessible to the skin layer and maintain the elasticity and suppleness of the skin. VCO is a natural anti-fungal and bacteria that help prevent and treat skin infections , including fungal infections of the skin, eczema , boils , acne , and others .


15 . Maintain Healthy HairDue to a small VCO molecules can then enter into the hair shaft and maintain the protein content in the hair and make hair healthy and glowing ore l . VCO contains natural moisturizers that keep moisture and prevent dryness of the hair .VCO has antifungal effect so as to both prevent and treat dandruff due to fungal growth of P. ovale in the scalp .Initial Reaction If you Consuming VCOUsually the first reaction when consuming VCO becomes a churning stomach to diarrhea . However , consumption should continue to reduce the dose and with time these reactions will diminish and disappear . It is recommended to consume regularly VCO , a minimum of 1 month to see the positive effects .

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